Data Available on the Blockchain
Blockchain Explorers
Information gathering tools for blockchain inputs offer specific data that is only useable for specific use cases. There are two levels of API’s available for developers to design software applications. REST API and Webhooks API SDK. The difference between these tools is how the data is recalled. Webhooks can be created to send a notification of a specific event, such as the creation of a new block. Highlighted below are a few explorative services and data sets that can be collected from various interfaces:
Biteasy has the longest reputation of block explorers on this list. Biteasy updated to version 2.0 in March with more features for developers to create applications with Biteasy’s REST API. A new feature of Biteasy is independent Input and Output values end-points that can be isolated individually.
- Multiple or single addresses
- Block Specifics
- Block Hashes
- Transaction Data
- Transaction Hashes
- Data Inputs
- Input Hashes
- Data Outputs
- Output Hashes
- Multisig Verification
- # of multi signatures reached
- Search Functionality
Blocktrail is a Blockchain Explorer firm offering explorer services leaning towards economic data sets. These data sets are more specific financial information and are preferred for tracking market activity or market prediction. The Blocktrail API has the ability to recall that data to user chosen platforms for further analysis.
Blocktrail Endpoints:
- Address
- Address Confirmed/Unconfirmed Transactions
- Address Unspent Outputs
- Blocks
- Block Transactions
- Total Blocks / Latest Block
- Transactions
- Verify Messages
Wallet Analytics
Tapeke (CoinDesk Article)
Features of Tapeke:
- Custom Categories
- Transaction History
- Multi-currency
- Multiple Wallet Integration
Coyno (CNBC Article / Slideshare Presentation)
Coyno offers analytic tools for individual monitoring priced at ~$21 annually. Advertised as a “Bitcoin Bookkeeper with a GUI for wallet analytics”, Coyno’s business practices are directed towards monitoring only services. The small development team is adamant on reaffirming that they do not handle wallet keys and data used for account purposes are handled on Coyno databases. (Conyo uses Armory and Bitcore for extracting information).